Reporting progress of the students to the parents is one of the most important aspects at Lakshya Universal Academy.
Kindergarten and Primary School
(Play Group to grade 5)
No tests or examination will be conducted in the Kindergarten and Primary classes. However students’ progress will be monitored and tracked regularly through skill based assessments which be informal and will give an opportunity to both parents and teachers to up-skill the child in the basic skills required for the 21st century.
(Grade 6-Grade IX)
As per the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) a ‘uniform system of assessment, examination and report card’ for students of classes 6 to 9, will be followed.
- Students of classes 6 to 8 will now follow a uniform assessment scheme with a two-semester system that will include half yearly and annual examinations.
- The assessment, examination and report card patterns for class 9 students will be similar to that of class 10 Board students.
- Every semester, two 10-mark tests or periodic assessments will be conducted for classes 6 to 8. The half yearly written examination will carry 80 marks.
- The NCERT syllabus will be followed by schools in the upper primary classes.
- Students of classes 6 to 8 will need to study mathematics, science and social science, along with three languages and one other subject.
- In classes 6 to 8, the annual exams will be based on the syllabus of the second half of the year, along with a certain percentage of the half yearly syllabus. For class 6, 10 per cent of the half yearly syllabus will be included in the annuals, while for classes 7 and 8, the percentage of half yearly syllabus to be included in the final examination is 20 per cent and 30 per cent respectively.
- Grading will be carried out separately for scholastic (academic) and non-scholastic (co-curricular) activities.
- Students of classes 6 to 8 will graded on a three-point scale in the non-scholastic activities of Work Education, Art Education, and Health and Physical Education. The factors on which they will be graded are regularity, participation, output and teamwork. Students will also receive marks for submission of notebooks.